Replacement Sills

In most cases, we effectively address sill damage by first excising all decayed wood. This is followed by the application of a robust two-part epoxy resin wood repair system, adeptly filling any cavities and smoothing over imperfections. The restored sill is meticulously sanded to match its original contour and then receives a coat of primer, ensuring durability and aesthetic appeal.

However, in instances where the sill’s degradation is so extensive that a high-quality restoration seems unattainable, we opt for a complete replacement. This process involves the careful removal of the lower portions of the box frame and the extraction of the old sill. We then skillfully install a new sill, crafted from durable and visually appealing sapele hardwood, ensuring it precisely mirrors the original’s profile and fits seamlessly into the existing cavity.

To integrate this new element, we construct new sections of the lower box frame, using precise mortise joints to secure them to the new sill. This meticulous approach guarantees a harmonious blend of old and new structures. The finale of the process involves a thorough sanding of the new sill and lower box frame, followed by sealing and priming. This comprehensive approach not only restores the sill’s structural integrity but also enhances its aesthetic value, ensuring a seamless and enduring repair.

Sam Warne - Sliding Sash Solutions

Glazing Options

Our overhaul and service package encompasses an extensive range of solutions, including the replacement of any panes of glass that are cracked, broken, or otherwise damaged. Understanding the diverse needs and preferences of our clients, we provide a comprehensive selection of glass options to cater to various requirements.

For those concerned with safety, we offer toughened safety glass, which is designed to shatter into less harmful fragments, thereby reducing the risk of injury. In settings where security is a priority, we provide laminated security glass, known for its ability to hold together when shattered and thus offering an added layer of protection.

For environments where noise pollution is a concern, our acoustic noise-reducing glass is an excellent choice. It is engineered to dampen external sounds, creating a quieter and more peaceful indoor atmosphere. For those who appreciate traditional aesthetics, we have traditional etched glass, which adds a classic and elegant touch to any space.

For clients seeking to maintain the authenticity of period properties, we offer recycled period glass, which preserves the historical charm of older buildings. For a more artistic or decorative option, we supply leaded lights, which can add a unique and bespoke element to your windows.

Furthermore, for those interested in energy efficiency and modern comforts, we specialise in manufacturing modern double-glazed gas-filled units. These are not only effective in improving thermal insulation but also in reducing energy costs. We pride ourselves on our ability to manufacture these replacement double-glazed windows to meticulously replicate the existing details of your windows, ensuring that the new installations blend seamlessly with the original aesthetic of your property.

In summary, our overhaul and service options are designed to meet a wide range of needs, from enhancing safety and security to preserving historical integrity, improving energy efficiency, and adding aesthetic value to your property.

Replacement Joinery

In cases where either the top or bottom sashes of a window have succumbed to rot and are deemed irreparable, our solution involves the precise crafting and installation of new sashes. These replacements are meticulously designed to be exact replicas of the original sashes, adhering to an impressive tolerance of just 1mm to 2mm. This ensures a perfect fit and seamless integration with the existing window framework.

Our services extend beyond just sash replacements. We possess the expertise and equipment to replicate any timber mouldings or unique sections of the original window structure. This capability allows us to preserve the distinctive features and architectural integrity of your windows, ensuring that any replacements are indistinguishable from the originals.

Additionally, we recognise the importance of energy efficiency and modern comfort in homes. To this end, we offer the option to upgrade to double-glazed window sashes. This enhancement not only improves the thermal insulation of your property but also contributes to noise reduction and increased security. Our double-glazed sashes are crafted with the same attention to detail and precision, ensuring that they match the aesthetic of the original design while providing the added benefits of modern glazing technology.

Whether it’s a faithful replication of historic window sashes, the recreation of unique timber mouldings, or the incorporation of modern double-glazing, our comprehensive services ensure that your window restoration or replacement needs are met with utmost precision and care.

Casement Windows & Exterior Doors

Our expertise primarily lies in the realm of sliding sash windows, yet our specialised services extend beyond this area. We have developed a unique hidden brush pile system, which, when combined with our comprehensive overhaul service, can bring about significant improvements to timber casement windows and exterior doors as well.

This hidden brush pile system is ingeniously designed to be unobtrusive, maintaining the aesthetic integrity of your windows and doors while offering several functional benefits. For instance, it greatly enhances the insulation properties of your windows and doors, thereby contributing to a more energy-efficient home. This system also aids in reducing drafts and noise pollution, creating a more comfortable and tranquil indoor environment.

In addition to our hidden brush pile system, our overhaul service for timber casement windows and exterior doors involves meticulous attention to detail. We carefully inspect and repair any damaged or worn parts, ensuring smooth operation and restoring the beauty and functionality of your windows and doors. This can include tasks such as repairing or replacing faulty hardware, sealing gaps, and refinishing surfaces to protect them from the elements and enhance their appearance.

Whether you have traditional sliding sash windows, timber casement windows, or exterior doors, our services are tailored to preserve the charm of your property while incorporating modern advancements for comfort and efficiency. Our aim is to provide a seamless blend of traditional craftsmanship and contemporary technology, ensuring that your windows and doors not only look splendid but also perform exceptionally.


Although we do not directly involve ourselves in the redecoration process, we can usually recommend a reputable decorator if required.